My name is Bastien. I’m 28, a System and Network Admin, currently SRE in a team of two for my company. We’re working with AWS and Kubernetes to host our web apps.
How are you using Netdata and what do you like so far?I’m currently in the process of moving to Netdata to monitor our nine Kubernetes clusters and some standalone VMs. What I particularly love about Netdata is the simplicity of installation and configuration and the number of perfect default metrics and graphs.
Basically, I wanted to look at Netdata’s Kubernetes monitoring when we planned to change our current monitoring system, so I got the helm chart, changed three settings, fired it up, and everything worked flawlessly, providing me with hundreds of graphs and default alerts out of the box.
Also, the fact that Netdata Cloud provides a central point of view of my whole infrastructure without actually collecting any of my metrics on Netdata’s Cloud servers is absolutely brilliant.
What would you like to see us offer next at Netdata?Obviously, what I’m looking for the most is the improvement of the Kubernetes plugin. On this point, the Netdata team is constantly harvesting user reviews, and I have to say it’s really nice to feel listened to and to be taken into account.
What are some fun hobbies that you have?My main passion is dogs. I’ve got two White Swiss Shepherds that I’m training mantrailing, stuff detection, and nosework in general.
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